
西安宣传片制作公司 泽源湿地老挝宣传片解说

文章来源:|发布时间:2020-01-07 10:14:22|点击:294次

Commentary of Wetland Technology System Boosting the Development of China and Laos Ecological Industry

  1. 环境现状问题分析Analysis of problems of environmental status

如今,经济的迅速发展带来的空气污染,雾霾天气动加剧;土地荒漠化;森林破坏,水资源缺乏、水环境污染加剧等一系列环境问题E 3不容小觑。

Nowadays, the series of environmental problems of aggravated air pollution and hazy weather, land desertification, forest deterioration, water resourcesdepletion, water environment pollution and so on brought by the rapid development of economy has become the isue we can not ignore.


Confronting the conflict between environment and development, What should China and Laos choose?

2.解决环境问题的思路Thinking of solving environmental problems


Our thinking is to break through on concept and technology simultaneously.



The concept of ecological civilization of "obtaining gold and silver while preserving green hills" is the guiding ideology of China' s grand ecologi calconstruction in the new era. The concept and the three major technical systems of artificial wetlands technology, water cube model, and regional ecological synthesis together constitute the new thought of solving the current environmental development.

3.中国污水处理阶段及技术选择China' s sewage treatment stage and technology choices.


Another's good quality or suggestion whereby one can remedy one's own defects. Take China' s sewage treatment industry as example.


China' S sewage treatment has gone through three important stages:


The first stage: the sewage treatment plants reach the Level 1 B standard.

第二:污水处理厂大规模提标改造,达到- -级A标准。

The second stage: the sewage treatment plants have Large-scale upgrading and reconstruction and reach the Level 1 A standard.

第三:-级A标准,再次提升至地表IV ,实现污水资源化。

The third stage: reaching the Level 1 A standard, ascending to the earth's surface again, and realizing reclamation of sewage.


The treatment technologies include the biochemical process represented by the activated sludge treatment and oxidation ditch technique; the physical method represented by the membrane process; the biological treatment represented by the biological preparation, and the ecological method represented

by the artificial wetland technology.


The four methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. After scientific analysis, the artificial wetland technology has prominent advantages in the aspect of reclamation of sewage, and by integrating it with industries of environmental protection, water conservancy, municipal administration, landscape and so on, the brand-new industry system can be formed.

4.人工湿地技术体系Artificial wetlands technology system



After more than ten years of marching and endeavor, we take the lead in building the artificial wetlands technology system, including various types of the subsurface wetland, pond wetland, river wetland, forest wetland, rapid infiltration wetland, riverbed infiltration wetland, watercourse wetland, estuary wetland, swamp wetland, ladder type wetlands, protective wetland, restorative wetland and so on, providing strong support for the solving of China and Laos environmental problems.

5.水立方模式Water cube model



化、水经济的六位- -体。

On the basis of artificial wetland technology system, the water cube model was further developed and first created. Setting foot on the time-space dimension, and integrating the plane layout of all the wetland kinds, the model can realize the functions of up-and-down circulation of rain water, groundwater, and transpiration water; the full storage of ground water reservoir for usage during drought; the friendly upstream and downstream water environment; the intelligent management of water system and so on. It includes the regions of eco-sponge city, eco-sponge villages, regional and drainage basin harnessing, wetland parks and so on, and is able to realize the six-in-one integration of water resources, water environment and water ecology, water landscape, water culture and water economy.

6.区域生态综合体Regional ecological synthesis

以人工湿地为核心,融合多行业技术,衍生出生态产业。发展生态旅游、生态农业、美丽乡村、生态科技、生态会展、生态道路、生态创意等, 绘制出生态产业蓝图,从而独创包含以上内容的区域生态综合体,, 它不仅是生态城市综合体、生态旅游综合体及生态农业综合体等形成的基础,更是生态文明建设的技术支撑。

Infuse technologies of various industries and generate ecological industry with the artificial wetland as the core. Develop the ecological tourism, ecological agriculture, beautiful countryside, ecological technology, ecological exhibition, ecological paths, ecological originality and so on, draw out the ecological industry blueprint and thus create the original regional ecological synthesis complex including the above contents. It is not only the foundation of the forming of ecological city synthesis, ecological tourism synthesis and ecological agriculture synthesis, but also the technological support of ecological civilization construction.



On the long way of ecological development, we hope that the enterprises in China and Laos can cooperate sincerely, seize the opportunities of times, realize the strategy of "the Belt and Road" , and create the road of hope of ecological industry in joint effort!

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